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AscentPay, Powered by Uplift

Make Paying for Your Vacation Affordable with Our 12-MONTH PAYMENT PLAN

Sun Realty is pleased to offer a monthly payment plan to guests who choose to split up their payments into 12 easy installments. The process is simple, and only takes a moment.  

AscentPay powered by Uplift offers:

  • Low, Fixed Monthly Payments  - 11 automatic monthly payments after approval and first payment.
  • Payments - can be made with any debit or credit card (excluding American Express ).
  • Clear & Simple Trip Financing Costs - NO hidden fees, and no early payment penalties.
  • Vacation Budgeting Made Easier - Providing peace of mind, lowering upfront costs, and securing the vacation you deserve.

Should you be interested in Sun Realty's AscentPay options, please contact us at (252) 441-7035 and a Vacation Specialist would be happy to go over the details with you.

Thank you for choosing Sun Realty, we look forward to seeing you at the beach!

March 2025