Head to Striper's Bar and Grille in Manteo for the 11th Annual Chili Cook Off, with proceeds benefiting the Dare County Shrine Club.
This event is family friendly and such a great time. All three floors will be open again this year with music on the 1st Floor and awards will be presented on the 2nd Floor. All floors have full service bars that will be open and upon entry you will receive a gift bag as a thank you.
Categories are Beef, Other Meat, Vegetarian & People's Choice
Kids 5 & Under are Free
Ages 6 to 14 $10
Ages 15 & Over $20
Ages 6 to 14 $10
Ages 15 & Over $20
Cash is preferred for the door fee. Credit Cards and Cash are accepted for the bar! We will have a 50/50 Raffle (cash), door prizes will be drawn every 30 minutes (must be present to win)!
If you are interested in entering this amazing event, send an email to mjwilliams.stripersmanteo@gmail.com for an application or stop in the restaurant! There is no entry fee, you just have to prepare the chili and this years prizes are going to be the best to date!!