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21 Jun 2010

5 Ways to Make a Difference in the Gulf Oil Spill
5. Donate money to a charity supporting affected wildlife. Although this disaster was preventable and BP will likely reimburse clean-up efforts, there are many organizations in need of funding now. The International Bird Rescue Center needs help supporting their Oil Response Team. Donate, become a member or adopt a bird.  The National Wildlife Federation is accepting pledges via text. Text “WILDLIFE” to 20222 to donate $10. Your donation will be billed to your wireless account.
 4. Donate hair. Hair is very efficient for collecting oil out of the air, off surfaces like your skin and out of the water. Salons, fleece farmers, pet groomers and individuals are all asked to help! Any length is accepted! is helping recycle these products to create booms.  (Booms help to contain the spill)
3. Support Alternative Energy. Renewable energy sources like wind, water and solar power have dramatically lower risks of negatively affecting the environment. Renewable and cheap, after initial set-up, alternative energies are becoming mainstream. Jump on the bandwagon and help make these effective power sources conventional.
2. Submit an idea or alternative resource technology to contain the spill (281-366-5511, or via BP’s suggestion box). Ideas are assessed by BP’s technical experts. So far, more than 20,000 have been received, with 100 of these escalated for more detailed review. 
1. Support communities affected by the spill. The Greater New Orleans Foundation’s Gulf Coast Oil Spill Fund will be used to provide emergency grants to spill victims and to counter long-term economic, environmental, and cultural effects. The St. Bernard Project, a nonprofit formed after Hurricane Katrina that aims to provide housing and mental-health support, is working with families affected by the spill.


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