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In celebration of Earth Day 2011, Sun Realty will donate $1 of supplies to N.E.S.T. (Network for Sun Realty supports Outer Banks sea turtle preservationEndangered Sea Turtles) for every new "like" on Facebook! Experts estimate that only 1 in 1,000 OBX sea turtle hatchlings will survive to maturity. Partner with Sun Realty to help preserve and protect Outer Banks sea turtles.

Happy Earth Day from your friends at Sun Realty!



What is N.E.S.T.?

N.E.S.T. (Network for Endangered Sea Turtles) is a non-profit organization on the Outer Banks of NC. Established in 1995, this group of volunteers works to protect and preserve the migration routes and habitats of sea turtles. Volunteers monitor turtle nests, respond to turtle strandings and provide rehabilitation to injured turtles.

Outer Banks Sea Turtle Facts:

  • Sea turtles visit the Outer Banks of North Carolina in early to mid summer to lay their eggs.
  • Loggerhead and Green turtles are most commonly found on the OBX but Kemp's Ridley, Hawksbill and Leatherback turtles are occasionally spotted. Network for Endangered Sea Turtles Outer Banks
  • Sea turtle hatchlings are approximately 2 inches long.
  • Adult Loggerhead turtles can weigh up to 400 pounds and adult Leatherback turtles can reach a whopping 1,100 pounds!
  • N.E.S.T. partners with the North Carolina Aquarium on Roanoke Island to rehabilitate injured or cold-stunned turtles so they can be released back into the ocean.

What You Can Do to Help:

If You Spot a Sea Turtle While on the OBX:

  • Report all nesting turtles, turtle crawls, hatching events or injured turtles to the N.E.S.T. hotline at (252) 441-8622.
  • Don't mess with a momma sea turtle! Never crowd or disturb a nesting female. 
  • Never shine a flashlight or use flash photography at a nesting sea turtle. This could harm her ability to nest.Sea turtle hatchlings
  • Do not disturb nest sites and keep pets away.

Sun Realty is proud to support the efforts of N.E.S.T. for Earth Day 2011. Enjoy your Outer Banks vacation and remember to respect and preserve our beautiful coastal environment.


