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Do your part to protect and preserve this beautiful place...

The pristine natural beauty of the Outer Banks isn't something Sun Realty takes for granted. The fragile beaches and ecosystems of the Outer Banks need to be protected by both locals and visito2 girls holding earth beach ballrs. While on your Outer Banks vacation, please take these simple steps to do your part. The entire Sun Realty team thanks you for helping us protect and preserve the Outer Banks of North Carolina.

Keep Our Beaches Clean:

  • Leave only your footprints behind! If you're spending the day at the beach, take a paper trash bag along with you. Throw soda cans, food leftovers, and other garbage in the bag. Otherwise, litter is likely to blow away or be left behind. At the end of the day, easily throw the garbage bag into a trashcan at the beach access. 
  • Dispose of your cigarette butts. Cigarette filters don't break down in marine environments, and birds and fish often mistake them for food.
  • Never leave fishing line on the beach - it takes over 600 years for it to biodegrade! Plus, birds, turtles and fish can easily get entangled in it.
  • If you're on a dog-friendly beach, be sure to clean up after your pet. 
  • Stay off the dunes!  Sand dunes and grasses help protect against beach erosion. Turtles and other animals also use the dunes as nesting areas.
  • Be sure that sand buckets and other plastic toys don't wash out to sea or blow down the beach with the wind.


We know you love The Outer Banks as much as we do!

We're so appreciative of guests who make the effort to conserve resources and recycle while vacationing on the Outer Banks.

Thank you for helping us preserve the natural beauty of our beaches!

~Ali Breaux
President, Sun Realty


Some Outer Banks towns offers curbside recycling and there are drop off locations available throughout the Outer Banks. Check your welcome bag for Sun Realty's newsletter OBX Connection. Recycling facilities are listed on the back page. On the first day of your Outer Banks vacation, take a moment to set up a recycling area in the kitchen, pantry or laundry room. During the week, simply sort your recyclable items into glass, paper, plastic, and aluminum products.

Recycling Facilities

Buxton - Behind RBC Centura Bank, Buxton Beach Road. Hours Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Saturday 8:30 a.m. to noon.

Rodanthe-Waves-Salvo - Chicamacomico Fire Station NC Route 12 Rodanthe Open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Manteo - 1018 Driftwood Drive Hours Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.(Memorial Day through Labor Day)

Nags Head - Nags Head Town Hall - 5401 S. Croatan Hwy.
Nags Head Public Works - 2200 Lark Ave.

Kill Devil Hills - Public Works Complex at 701 Bermuda Bay Blvd. Monday - Friday 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturdays 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. For more information call (252) 480-4041

Kitty Hawk - Please use Kill Devil Hills Recycling facilities

Southern Shores - No drop-off recycling; curbside pick-up only. Pick-up every Monday morning from the last day of May through the last Monday of September. The remainder of the year pick-up is every first and third Monday of the month.

Duck - Curbside recycling is collected every Monday from May 1 through October 31. At all other times of the year, collection is on the first and third Monday of the month.

Currituck County - Knotts Island Road (SR 1255) 180 Knotts Island Road Powells Point, Spot Road (SR 1113) 309 N. Spot Road   Carova Beach, 2020 Ocean Pearl Road All facilities open 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Sunday 1 p.m. to 7 p.m.

Buy Local

Did you know 80% of all seafood served nationally is imported and only 2% is inspected by the FDA? Believe it or not, the average meal travels over 1,500 miles from "farm to fork." Buy local seafood and farm stand fruits and vegetables to reduce the carbon emissions caused by food transportation. Not only will you be helping the local economy, you'll be able to enjoy some great food! When ordering seafood at your favorite Outer Banks restaurant ask for the Outer Banks Catch to ensure it's locality.

Save Energy

No matter which of our Outer Banks vacation rentals you choose to vacation in, there are some basic things you can do to conserve energy:

  • Turn off the lights and the TV when you leave your room.  
  • Don't leave the air conditioning going at full blast when you're not in the vacation home, and never run the air conditioning with the windows open.
  • Unplug any appliances you aren't using, such as the hairdryer or coffee maker. Up to 75% of power used in homes is from electrical appliances that are turned off but plugged in! 

Conserve Water

Even though there is a great deal of water on the Outer Banks, most of it is extremely salty. For this reason, water is always in short supply in coastal environments such as ours. Please do your part to help in water conservation efforts:

  • Only wash loads of laundry when absolutely necessary. 
  • Don't leave the water running while brushing your teeth or cooking. 
  • Make your showers as short as possible.

Don't Go Disposable

Disposable items are usually made of plastic, which takes hundreds of years to biodegrade. Take these simple steps to help reduce garbage on the Outer Banks:

  • Bring your digital camera on your Outer Banks vacation instead of buying disposable cameras.
  • Pack reusable water bottles and refill them in your vacation home instead of buying disposable water bottles. 
  • When preparing meals, use the dishes provided to you instead of using paper plates and plastic cups.

Sun Realty is proud to be a certified Ocean Friendly Establishment. Find out more on this initiative here.

March 2025